International FAQ

Here are some of the more common questions we find our international students and applicants need answered.  If you don't see the information you're looking for here, please feel free to e-mail us a

What types of services does Tisch provide international students?

The Tisch Office of Student Affairs supports international students in a variety of ways.  We help students navigate the School and University, such as by making referrals to the Office of Global Services, the Expository Writing program, and the Tisch Office of Career Development. We also help to create a sense of community and provide an opportunity for students to meet one another and connect with Student Affairs staff.  We host regular coffee hours at 726 Broadway on the 2nd Floor and also at our Brooklyn Campus at 370 Jay Street.  We hold a monthly zoom meeting on the first Wednesday of the month at 7 p.m. EST.  Please feel free to email us with ideas and suggestions for further activities at

NYU Health Insurance and Insurance

Can I waive the insurance for just the fall semester?

When you provide your health insurance waiver documentation the coverage dates on the form will dictate the waiver for just the fall or fall and spring. For example, if your local insurance ends on 12/31/20 the waiver is for fall only. If the documentation shows that the coverage ends in August 2021 then the waiver is for the entire academic year. In the latter scenario, if you would like to enroll in NYU health insurance for the Spring semester after waiving for the entire academic year, please submit a petition to add NYU health insurance. Please email a petition to the NYU health insurance office at


OPT - Optional Practical Training